Reading and holidays go together like … well you can fill in your own favourite pairing, but how often does a book make a holiday or a holiday location add something to a book? And before settng off, how often do we look for something set in the country or area we’re visiting? Not long after A Kettle of Fish was published, I heard of a site called Tripfiction that helps readers match books and destinations. Such a great idea I registered Kettle on there straight away.
I’m delighted to say that in a week’s time and thanks to a link-up between Tripfiction and Anne Cater (another avid book blogger who has set up the Bookconnectors group) it’s being featured as part of a season on Scottish fiction. In fact it’s first up!
Next Sunday August 23rd, it will be reviewed by Joanne Baird, a book blogger from Portobello near Edinburgh – well-placed to appreciate the locations! Here’s the complete schedule, or you can also get reminders via Twitter by following me @AliBacon or using #Bookconnectors or #aroundtheworld (yes, Scotland is only the start!)
23/08/15 Ali Bacon
Portobello Book Blog
24/08/15 Liz Gifford
Linda’s Book Bag Blog
25/08/15 Linda Gillard
Being Anne
26/08/15 Helen MacKinven
Reflections of a Reader
27/08/15 Susi Holliday
Random Things Through My Letterbox
28/08/15 Margaret Skea
Jaffa Reads Too
29/08/15 Lucy Robinson
Sandra Foy: Reading Writes
30/08/15 Alison May
So Many Books So Little Time
01/09/15 Melissa Bailey
Grab This Book
02/09/15 Bobbie Darbyshire
I haven’t met Joanne or seen her review but we’ve already enjoyed being in touch for this bit of online fun which includes a number of authors (Bobbie Darbyshire, Linda Gillard and Margaret Skea) whose work I can heartily recommend.
With all the hype surrounding new books it’s easy for an author to feel the one that’s beent there for a while has had its day. But ofcourse books, unlike yesterday’s newspapers, are there to stay. I’m grateful to Anne, Joanna and Trip fiction for the oportunity to bring A Kettle of Fish to a new audience – in Scotland or anywhere around the world.